Many people are startled, maybe even scared, when the body starts talking.
It can be overwhelming, and we therefore try to all sorts of antics in order to numb and control the body’s expression. However, only to find that it gets worse and the body cries louder.
Actually, the dynamic isn’t that strange. Most of us have parents who are also afraid of their bodily expressions, and perhaps their parents felt the same way. So we are brought up in a culture, where a large proportion of the population, do not fully understand the body’s signals.
It may therefore be a vulnerable feeling, opening up the spaces and the language in which we feel ignorant and incompetent.
The vulnerability is, however, worth the entire journey. The body is infinitely wise, and the magic happens when we allow the body to control and manage.
From there on, the head becomes a part of the body, and the feeling of deep cohesion and cooperation emerges.
You can open your body today by breathing, wiggling your pelvis and moving your big toes.
Photographer: Christine Hewitt from Yogicphotos.